Medical Practice

Mercer University School of Medicine Medical Practice curriculum heading.

The Medical Practice curriculum, within the Patient-Based Learning program, teaches students vital patient interaction skills. During the first two years, students learn the basic skills necessary for interaction with patients. These skills include interview/medical history and physical examination techniques. In addition, students learn clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills necessary for the diagnosis and management of patients.

Student with young clinical skills patient holding up his finger for her to look at

Clinical Skills

Students learn the basic skills necessary for interaction with patients. These skills include interview/medical history and physical examination techniques. Students interview and examine what are called standardized patients from the Standardized Patient Program.

Professor and two students in simulation lab working on model baby.

Simulation Labs

The Mercer University School of Medicine Simulation Program supports experiential learning methodologies within medical education provided to the students, residents, faculty and affiliates of Mercer University School of Medicine (MUSM). The Program consists of simulation centers (“Center”) on each of the three medical school campuses.