Mercer University School of Medicine’s faculty resources page features key information for faculty development, faculty onboarding, annual reviews, pathways to promotion and tenure, and faculty governance. The MUSM Faculty Handbook contains information about school structure as well as policies and protocols related to faculty.
Supervisor Checklist for Faculty Onboarding
This checklist is provided to assist faculty supervisors in welcoming new faculty members.
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Promotion and Tenure
The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development assists faculty in preparing for promotion and tenure, pre-tenure reviews for tenure track faculty, comprehensive reviews for non-tenure track faculty, and post-tenure review within the School of Medicine.
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Faculty Development
Mercer University main campus as well as their medical school, Mercer University School of Medicine, provide numerous resources for their faculty. These include professional development opportunities, informational technology assistance, grant writing help, and medical education resources.
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Project Management Office (PMO)
The Project Management Office (PMO) aligns projects with our strategic goals, aiding faculty and staff in governance, planning, resource management, risk mitigation, quality assurance, and performance monitoring. By using the PMO’s consultation, grant assistance, and project management services, we support our mission to educate healthcare professionals for Georgia’s rural and underserved areas.
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Faculty Governance
The School of Medicine functions within the governance structure of Mercer University and is guided by our mission to educate physicians and health professionals to meet the primary care and health care needs of rural and medically underserved areas of Georgia.
Clinical Faculty
Our clinical faculty supervise medical students during their Year III and Year IV clerkship rotations and are an invaluable asset to our medical education faculty. These preceptors support our mission by being exemplary physicians in service of rural and medically underserved Georgians.
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Annual Reviews
Policies regarding annual reviews are listed in section 2.5 of the Faculty Handbook. To assist faculty in completing the annual review process, Mercer provides a comprehensive guide for using Watermark (formerly Activity Insight).