Goal 4

We will secure resources to enable investment in research, teaching, and community engagement.


We will attract philanthropic and governmental resources.

Our objectives:
  • By 2030, the School of Medicine will be a free tuition medical school for those who practice in rural Georgia for at least four years after residency.
  • By 2023, the School of Medicine will increase annual charitable contributions from individuals by 10%.
  • By 2023, the School of Medicine will increase annual charitable contributions from companies and businesses by 15%.
  • By 2020, at least 25% of alumni will make an annual financial contribution.
Our tactics:
  1. Increase funding from foundations and other entities interested in rural health.
  2. Increase contributions from individual donors.

We will secure grants and contracts.

Our objectives:
  • By 2028, we will double the combined dollar amount of externally-funded grants in all areas (biomedical, community health, rural health and clinical).
  • By 2023, we will increase in the number of external, competitive grants submitted.
  • By 2023, we will increase in the number of external, competitive grants funded.
Our tactics:
  1. Acquire additional funding from government sources.
  2. Collaborate within Mercer University to conduct interdisciplinary research.