Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Rural Pediatric Scholarship

The Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Rural Pediatric Scholarship Program was established in 2023 as part of a joint initiative between Mercer University School of Medicine and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (Children’s) to improve pediatric healthcare in rural Georgia. Scholars selected for this program have a strong commitment to becoming pediatricians and serving in rural, medically underserved areas of Georgia. Upon completion of residency, Children’s scholars are committed to four years of continuous, full-time medical practice in a medically underserved rural Georgia county.
Applicants must be a Georgia resident with strong ties to rural Georgia and currently enrolled or accepted for enrollment in the Mercer University School of Medicine four-year MD program. Mercer’s PC-ACT and Nathan Deal Scholars are not eligible to apply for the Children’s Rural Pediatric Scholarship.
Scholarship Amount
Ten new scholarships are awarded annually. The scholarship covers 100% of tuition and fees for a maximum of four academic years.
Scholarship Renewal
Scholarships will be renewed annually for those who maintain satisfactory academic progress, actively participate in Mercer’s rural health research and leadership development activities, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Scholars Summer Program, and display continued commitment to rural Georgia.
Service Commitment
Upon completion of residency, the scholar is required to reside and practice general pediatrics full-time in an approved medically underserved rural Georgia county for four continuous years. Fellowships are not permitted. The practice must also accept Medicaid. No credit will be granted for partial completion of the service obligation.
Selection Criteria
Scholars are selected based on a variety of criteria, including a commitment to becoming a pediatrician, strong ties to rural Georgia, exceptional character, leadership qualities, community involvement, and other factors indicating the applicant will continue to serve in rural Georgia once the service commitment has been fulfilled.
Application Process
The application cycle opens each year in the Fall. Scholars will be awarded once the scholarship committee reviews all applications and qualified applicants have been interviewed.