Promotion and Tenure Resources

Promotion and Tenure Resources

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development assists with managing promotion and tenure within the School of Medicine, which is essential for career development. The processes and requirements for MUSM faculty who are employees of Mercer University can be found below by selecting “MUSM-employed faculty.” Processes and requirements for MUSM clinical affiliate faculty (non-contracted faculty) who are not employed by Mercer University can be found by selecting “MUSM clinical affiliate faculty.”

Clinical Affiliate Faculty MUSM - Employed Faculty

Comprehensive Review

Mercer University requires that all full-time employed faculty undergo a comprehensive review within the first four years of service (Mercer University Faculty Handbook Section 2.5.1 Categories of Review). Note that this comprehensive review is separate from the required annual review process for reappointment. Information on comprehensive reviews can be accessed here:

MUSM Post-Tenure Review

The purpose, process, and scope of post-tenure review is described in Section 2.5.2 – Post- tenure Review – of the Mercer University Faculty Handbook. An overview of the process, expectations, required materials, and areas assessed can be accessed here: