Technical Standards

M.D. Program Technical Standards

The M.D. degree is a broad undifferentiated degree attesting to general knowledge in medicine and the basic skills required for the practice of medicine. Essential abilities and characteristics required for completion of the M.D. degree consist of certain minimum physical and cognitive abilities and sufficient mental and emotional stability to assure that candidates for admission, promotion and graduation are able to complete the entire course of study and participate fully in all aspects of medical training.

The Mercer University School of Medicine intends for its graduates to become competent and compassionate physicians who are capable of entering residency training (graduate medical education) and meeting all requirements for medical licensure. The avowed intention of an individual student to practice only a narrow part of clinical medicine, or to pursue a non-clinical career, does not alter the requirement that all medical students take and achieve competence in the full curriculum required by the faculty. Graduates of medical school must have the knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care. Since the treatment of patients is an essential part of the educational program, the School of Medicine must act to protect the health and safety of patients.

The Admissions Committee of the School of Medicine acknowledges Section 504 of the 1973 Vocational Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 and asserts that the ability to meet certain essential technical standards with or without reasonable accommodations must be present in the prospective candidates. Disclosure of a disability is voluntary; however, applicants who want to request accommodations during the admissions process should, upon being accepted, contact the School of Medicine Office of Student Affairs.

All students must review the Technical Standards at the time of admission and at the beginning of each academic year.  The Technical Standard Student Review Acknowledgement form must be completed and submitted to the Office of Student Affairs.

Candidates for the M.D. degree must have aptitude, abilities, and skills in five areas:

  • Observation
  • Communication
  • Motor
  • Intellectual-Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative
  • Behavioral/Social

Technological compensation can be made for some disabilities in certain areas, but a candidate must be able to perform in an independent manner.

Candidates for the M.D. degree must have somatic sensation and the functional use of the senses of vision and other sensory modalities. Candidates’ diagnostic skills would be inadequate without the functional use of the senses of equilibrium and smell/taste. Additionally, they must have sufficient exteroceptive sense (touch, pain and temperature), sufficient proprioceptive sense (position, pressure, movement, stereognosis and vibratory) and sufficient motor function to permit them to carry out the activities described in the section below. They must be able to consistently, quickly and accurately integrate all information received by whichever senses employed, and they must have the intellectual ability to learn, integrate, analyze and synthesize data.