Faculty Request for Grant Assistance Home Faculty Resources Project Management Office Faculty Request for Grant Assistance Faculty Request for Grant Assistance If this is first time you are working with the Project Management Office (PMO), please share a bit about your research and programmatic interests so we can better serve you. Thank you. Name First Last Email Enter Email Confirm Email Title Faculty AppointmentDepartment Tenure StatusSelect OneNon-Tenure TrackTenure TrackI consider myself... A beginner with grant funding Some experience with grant funding Advanced experience and knowledge with grant funding Select the box(es) that best describe your experience with grant funding.I consider myself... A beginner with project management and implementation Some experience with project management and implementation Advanced experience and knowledge with project management and implementation Select the box(es) that best describe your experience with project management and implementation.Do you currently have active grant funding at MUSM?YesNoWhat are your research interests?Describe your current scholarly activity.Choose OneActiveSomewhat ActiveNot ActiveWhat factors limit your scholarly productivity? Time Competing Duties Funding Resources Collaborative Research Opportunities Staffing Other Other: Please explain Are you aware of the services provided by the MUSM PMO?YesNoUnsureDo you need assistance navigating the grant application process at Mercer?YesNoUnsureAre you interested in using students in your grant project?YesNoUnsureI am requesting the following services: Search for funding opportunities Grant Writing Grant Review Project Management Something Else Something Else: Please explain Δ