Registrar's Office

The Registrar’s Office at the School of Medicine is located on the first floor of the Macon campus in the Dean’s Suite. The Registrar’s Office serves students in a variety of capacities including registering all students for classes, verifying enrollment status, issuing transcripts, and certifying students for graduation.

School of Medicine Catalog

The School of Medicine’s 2024-2025 Catalog features a complete list of official course offerings, lots of important information about Mercer University, and details on the other programs available within the school.

Archived School of Medicine catalogs from 2013-14 forward can be accessed in the digital catalog archives. For MUSM catalogs prior to 2013-14, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or call 1-800-MERCER-U.

Academic Calendar

View the academic calendar file to see all the important dates for our programs in the upcoming academic year: 2025-2026 Academic Calendar

Enrollment or Transcript Verification

For verification of enrollment or to request transcripts, you may mail or fax a signed written request to:

Mercer University School of Medicine
Office of the Registrar
1501 Mercer University Drive
Macon, GA  31207

Mercer University has retained Parchment to accept transcript orders online.


Graduate student diplomas may be picked up in person from the Registrar’s Office or mailed to the address stated on the graduation application. MD diplomas cannot be mailed and must be picked up in person from the Registrar’s Office.

For more information, contact the registrar at or call 1-800-MERCER-U.

Student Privacy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA affords students at Mercer University certain rights with respect to their education records. Education records are those records that are directly related to a student and maintained by Mercer University or an agency acting on behalf of Mercer University.

Learn more about FERPA at Mercer