Student Handbook and Policies
The Mercer University Student Handbook, the School of Medicine Student Handbook, and the Program Manuals set forth the major policies and procedures affecting students. Because the University is a dynamic institution, changes are inevitable. Handbooks and manuals will be revised as new policies and procedures are adopted. Should any discrepancies exist, the versions on this website supersede all former online and printed editions. The Mercer University Student Handbook provisions supersede collegiate and campus policies and procedures.
Most policies and resources can be found in the University Student Handbook and Catalog, which the Office of the Provost hosts. Specific School of Medicine information and policies can be found in the School’s Student Handbook and program manuals. These resources provide a basic understanding of the rights and responsibilities of a School of Medicine student. Students may contact their campus’ Office of Student Affairs with questions.
The MUSM student handbook and individual program manuals may be accessed via each student’s MyMercer account.