Substance use

The opioid crisis has swept the country over recent years. This epidemic has distinct history, patterns and impacts in rural communities that are all exacerbated by the recurrent challenges of limited access to health and social services, workforce shortages and transportation barriers. While the number of overdose deaths has plateaued in recent years, the challenge of substance use disorder and overdose remains a dynamic and changing problem requiring unique and novel strategies to improve outcomes. MUSM faculty are engaged in both epidemiologic research, and community based intervention to change these dynamics and help bring relief to affected communities.

Current projects

North Georgia OPEN

The North Georgia Opioid Prevention and Education Network (North Georgia OPEN) is a multi-sector consortium focused on the prevention of opioid use disorder and opioid overdose in a four-county region of rural North Georgia. The mission is to create and sustain opioid prevention, treatment, and recovery initiatives in Fannin, Gilmer, Gordon, and Polk Counties.

Core research faculty:


Substance use in PRegnancy and the mOrbidity Mortality rISk Environment (PROMISE) addresses the urgent need for evidence to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality through interventions for pregnant and postpartum women who use drugs. This project will identify patterns, disparities, and risk factors to guide effective public health responses and improve outcomes from conception through the postpartum year with attention to unique risk environments and rural/urban variations. This project is funded by NIH.

Core research faculty:

Substance use research faculty

  • Michael Kramer in red shirt with glasses on.

    Michael Kramer, PhD


    Dr. Kramer is a social epidemiologist with expertise in population patterns and disparities in maternal and child health outcomes. He leads work addressing maternal morbidity and mortality, preterm birth, infant mortality and early childhood development.
    Read faculty bio

  • Tindol, Allen

    Allen Tindol, MD
